Since our program began in September 2015, we have achieved many goals that make a significant difference in the history of our program.
Since September 2015 our elders have received beds, mattresses, pillows, bed linens, wash basins, water jugs, eating utensils, clothes, shoes and canes, in addition to weekly deliveries of food, water and firewood.
Since September 2015 our youths have received training in gardening, animal husbandry, beekeeping, basket weaving and sewing to expand their marketable skills for when they move on from the program.
A cornerstone of our youth training program has been learning to operate our own sewing machines. Additionally, our youths have received bicycles, clothing and shoes and are assured 2 meals/day at the program’s headquarters.
Sr. Dativa now has the use of a most essential pick-up truck to handle all transportation necessities, plus a motorcycle to reach those elders who live in the most remote areas.
In 2017, we built Rauscher Hall to serve as the program’s headquarters and training facility. Msgr. Martin Rauscher, former Pastor of Assumption Church in Morristown, NJ, was instrumental in getting our program started.
Our youths are often engaged in repairing and sometimes building from scratch new mud huts for our elders.
In 2017-2018, we built a 100-hen capacity chicken coop, a 24-beehive bee house and a wire fence around the grounds perimeter to prevent local cows and goats from eating our garden vegetables, cassava plants and 500 newly-planted banana plants.
In 2018 the first eye health assessment was provided to all elders and youths, resulting in seven cataract surgeries and one eye evisceration intervention.
In 2018, we dug a 500-foot well with two storage tanks, to provide water for gardening, sanitation, cooking, cleaning and a steady weekly deliver of 20 liters of fresh water to the elders. In 2020 we added an additional water well and tank, to augment our water output during the dry season.
A 2-year malnutrition assessment study was conducted, resulting in an optimal food delivery program that meets the World Health Organization’s requirements for food aid.