As this post is being written, it is almost Thanskgiving Day here in the USA (celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November). Buried beneath all the football games, cooking the "perfect" turkey, and the frenzy of "black Friday" sales to open the "Christmas shopping season", is the idea that Thanksgiving is a day to reflect on what and/or who you are thankful for.
The Village Angels of Tanzania have much to be thankful for over the last two years. Thanks to our incredible donors (both individuals and organizations), we have been able to accomplish a lot in our two short years.
We are thankful for many things, including:
That we can bring joy to the abandoned elderly angels in our program
That we can bring hope for a better future to our youth angels
That we can give the elderly comfort and dignity (and food, beds, supplies, hut repair, etc.) in their last remaining years
That we can teach our youth skills which will allow them to support themselves and their families in the years ahead
That we could provide (build) huts for two elderly ladies so they would not end up homeless
That we could accomplish larger projects such as our multi-purpose building, beekeeping, and begin work on our newest project - the Chicken Coop
That we have many friends who work behind the scenes putting together various fundraisers (fish bakes, garage sales, bike rides, etc.)
And many, many other small, sometimes seemingly insignificant things that together help our program grow....
Most of all, we are thankful to you, our many donors, who make this all possible through your generosity.
From all the Village Angels, to all our supporters - Asante sana ("Thank you" in Swahili)
Just sharing a couple of pictures from our newest projects, the beehouse for our beehives and the chicken coop. More on these projects upcoming...
We are building a sturdy enclosure for our beehives to protect them from predators (both animal and human)
We have begun construction on our Chicken Coop which will house 100 hens and a few roosters. Eggs from the hens will provide our elderly with a much needed source of protein in their diet.