Furnishing the Multipurpose Building

Shown in the pictures below are some of the furnishings for the Multipurpose Building. Chairs & Tables, Sewing Machines, and Shelves. Before the furniture arrived, the youth and Sr. Dativa had to sit on the floor to have meetings, and to work on their crafts. Now they can take advantage of the tables and chairs. With the arrival of the sewing machines, the youth are learning sewing skills which will help the young ladies support themselves in the future. The shelving provides much needed storage space for the craft and other supplies.


Furniture delivery - Tables & Chairs

Furniture delivery - Tables & Chairs

Tables & Chairs in the Multipurpose Building

Tables & Chairs in the Multipurpose Building

Unloading the sewing machines

Unloading the sewing machines

Bringing some shelving into the Multipurpose Building

Bringing some shelving into the Multipurpose Building