A New House for Andrew Magwanile

The house building in progress. The house is a stick frame with mud walls

The house building in progress. The house is a stick frame with mud walls

Andrew Magwanile is one of the elders in our program. He needed a new house, but due to the combination of his age and hernia surgery, Andrew needed help building the house. We were also able to help him pay for his surgery by filling in the gap between the funds he could provide and the total cost, allowing him to receive the surgery before the hernia caused more serious issues. Andrew is very happy with his new house and greatly appreciates our assistance.

The young men in the foreground are mixing mud for the house. It is simply the existing soil mixed with water that was hauled in for the building project

The young men in the foreground are mixing mud for the house. It is simply the existing soil mixed with water that was hauled in for the building project

Some of the young women and men, along with Sr. Dativa, are applying mud to the frame.

Some of the young women and men, along with Sr. Dativa, are applying mud to the frame.

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