You are invited: Meet and Greet Sr. Dativa

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Sr. Dativa Mukebita, FSSB, Executive Director and co-founder of The Village Angels of Tanzania, will be visiting the United States in June. While in Morristown, on June 25 - 7:30 to 9:00 PM, Sr. Dativa will speak briefly about The Village Angels of Tanzania program. Sergio and Johanna Burani, who have just returned from Tanzania, will present the latest photos from their trip. There will be ample time to mingle with Sr. Dativa, Johanna and Sergio. Coffee/Tea and baked goods will be served. Whether you are a long time supporter, or just want to know more about the program, this is a wonderful opportunity to meet the people involved and learn about what we do. All New Jersey residents are invited to attend. The event will take place in Rauscher Hall of Assumption Church, 91 Maple Avenue, Morristown, NJ.