The Village Angels of Tanzania

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Our Tree Farm

Like everyone else, The Village Angels of Tanzania has been trying to understand the best way to live through the remainder of the COVID-19 pandemic.  With 26,000 national infections, and 724 deaths reported since the beginning of the pandemic, and with just 0.8% of the population vaccinated, the coronavirus cannot be taken lightly, not even in the sparsely populated Ngara District, where our elders and youths live.  The youths wear masks when shopping for the weekly food supplies for the elders and when delivering the food to them.  Implementing social distancing is a challenge both physically and culturally.  Thankfully, all 80 elders, 16 youths, Sister Dativa and others involved with our program have remained healthy throughout the entire pandemic.  What a blessing!


The youths have spent the summer months clearing 1.5 acres of land that we purchased for a timber tree farm.  As soon as there is adequate rainfall, the youths are poised to plant 2000 tree saplings.  Once in the ground, it will take 5-6 years for the trees to reach full growth and be ready for sale.  Although this is not a quick turnaround, the Board of Trustees endorsed the project.  Solid healthy lumber is a sought-after commodity for indoor furniture in homes, schools, churches, and public buildings.  We will watch the saplings grow and give them our special TLC along the way.


There have been more new projects like the tree farm in the pipeline and talk of expanding some already existing ones.  Ideas abound but money does not.  We are carefully considering the best use of our current resources to provide the greatest long-term benefit to The Village Angels of Tanzania.  Stay tuned!