Introducing Adopt-an-Elder, a new way of donating to our program

The Village angels of Tanzania Adopt-an-Elder Program.jpg

In this time of crisis, we are reminded to give particular support to the elderly who are most vulnerable. The elders in our program have always been vulnerable--living in solitude and abandonment. That is, until The Village Angels of Tanzania came to their rescue. They now have the food, shelter, and emotional support that give them a much-deserved quality of life.

Today, we are initiating a new way of donating—one that is more personal and direct and perhaps, more gratifying -- by giving our donors the opportunity to be personally linked to one specific elder by “adopting” that elder. For $20/month, donors will de directly responsible for that elder’s welfare. Upon pledging, donors will receive the name, background information, and photo of “their” elder. To learn more about this program:

In the next few days all of our donors will receive an invitation to join this campaign.

In these days of our own sense of helplessness and desire to be of help, here is one way to do something impactful and important.